- Κ-81 is a tool in the hands of both the professional and the amateur. By adding Κ-81, we can achieve a uniform dispersing of our ingredients, making the final product finer-grained, uniform, stable and easy to use.
- Our material drys quickly without forming a film on the surface and forms breathing pores, which make it ideal for multiple applications of layers without erosion.
- It has immediate absorption – sticks on bisque, raw, moist even on glazed surfaces.
- In case we select our next layer to be a different material, of different color / composition, we will observe that our brush does not stain, because by adding Κ-81, our material does not degrade, is not “influenced” by the bottom layer.
- As it is a natural ingredient, it burns at approximately 250 degrees, before shutting the pores of the glaze or clay, so that it does not create any problems during firing.
Link of the material https://porcelainartresearch.com/en/home-2/